give your patients the best endodontic experience
Why Choose Modern Endodontics for Root Canal Therapy
Dr. Mirucki uses the latest technology to ensure that your patients will receive the highest quality root canal therapy, from an initial examination to diagnosis and treatment.
The Endodontic Microscope

An endodontic operating microscope is utilized routinely each day at Modern Endodontics. Operating at high magnification is revolutionary as far being able to provide predictable, top-notch, root canal therapy.
Using the microscope, we are not only able to visualize areas not seen with the naked eye; we are also able to treat the tooth while eliminating only a minimal amount of tooth structure.
These basic principles are emphasized with use of the endodontic operating microscope and will soon become the standard of care in the field of endodontics.
Evidence-Based Endodontics
There has been a dramatic paradigm shift in endodontics over the past 10 years, with a significant focus on single-visit endodontic therapy to reduce patient chair time and maximize profit. One-visit endodontic treatment is marketed globally and even some specialists have fallen victim to the philosophy of giving every patient their best effort in one visit. This disconcerting drift is leading to poorer results and reduced confidence in endodontic therapy overall.
At Modern Endodontics, we simply do not complete the treatment until the tooth is asymptomatic with radiographic signs of repair. This patient-centered approach to treatment guarantees a worry-free patient and dentist after the tooth has been properly restored. By referring your patients to Modern Endodontics, we guarantee not to return the patient to you until they are completely asymptomatic.
If a patient presents with biting discomfort, the canals will be opened and treated with an intracanal medicament and possibly an antibiotic paste. If at the second appointment the tooth is still symptomatic, we will continue to treat the tooth with intracanal medicaments until the tooth is free of discomfort.
On more involved cases where the success of the treatment is questionable, we will wait until there are radiographic signs of osseous healing to finish the treatment. By practicing in this manner, the predictability of endodontic therapy increases and long-term prognosis for the tooth can remain at an optimal level throughout the patient’s life.
Cone Beam CT
Conventionally, the field of endodontics has relied on a two dimensional radiographic image in order to deduce the extent and location of root canal systems which are situated in a three-dimensional environment. This relatively accurate adjunct to treatment has produced some frustration during endodontic diagnosis and has led to disappointing treatment results.
We use cone beam imaging to evaluate what is present in the third dimension. Using this technology we are able to confidently confirm the reason why certain cases are not healing adequately. Un-instrumented canals and iatrogenic perforations as well as traditional failures can be seen more clearly with the use of cone-beam imaging. Utilizing the cone beam in specific cases can reveal whether a tooth should even be endodontically treated or if an alternative treatment plan is necessary.
Referring Doctors for Endodontics Londonderry, NH
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Dr. Chris Mirucki, Endodontist Londonderry NH, specializes in Endodontic Treatment. He and his staff’s primary goals are to provide the highest quality care and a friendly and comfortable patient experience.
If you would like to refer a patient or are interested in becoming a referring doctor please download and complete the following form and send through our account to ensure patient privacy.